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Silver-mounted French violin bow by Charles Nicolas Bazin, stamped BAZIN to the handle and the frog, 59g

Charles Nicolas Bazin took over the workshop from his father François Xavier in 1865. He was popular among his contemporaries and earned recognition as one of the most distinguished makers of his time. His workshop employed a considerable number of workers and his work was prolific


This bow is in good condition with original parts and is faintly stamped BAZIN to the handle and to the frog

Raffin Certificate:



Stick: pernambuco (Paubrasilia echinata)

Mounts: silver and ebony (Diospyros spp)

Pearl: pink/green abalone (Haliotis spp)

Thumb band: kangaroo leather (Macropus giganteus)

Lapping: silver tinsel

Face: bone (Bos indicus)

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